
The Economic Facts Of Recycling Plastics

Author:Suny Group

Between 2004 and 2014, the global production of plastics grew from 225 million tons to 311 million tons.

According to PlasticsEurope, 7.7 million tons of plastics were recycled globally in 2013, including greater than 3.5 million tons of post-industrial and post-consumer plastic scrap.in the U.S., according to ISRI estimates.

In 2013, ISRI estimates that 3.5 million tons of postindustrial and postconsumer plastic were recycled in the U.S.

Only a very small percentage of recycled bottles are used to make new bottles. Coca-Cola sources only 7% of its plastic from recycled material, while Nestle Waters North America uses just 6% recycled contact.

Also in 2015, U.S exporters shipped more than 2 million tons of plastic scrap, valued at $810 million.

According to American Chemistry Council, currently, more than 80 percent Americans have access to different plastic recycling programs.

Over 1,600 business organizations in the U.S. are involved in recycling post-consumer plastic items.

 It costs approximately $4,000 to recycle one ton of plastic bags. But the selling price of these recycled bags is a couple of times more than the cost.

1,000–2,000 gallons of gasoline can be saved by recycling just one ton of plastics.

Producing plastic products from recycled plastics reduces energy requirements by 66 percent.

Around 2,000 pounds of oil, the amount of water used by one person in two month’s time and two people’s energy consumption for one year can be saved by recycling just one ton of plastic wastes.