
New Bill Proposes Tougher Restrictions on Plastic Packaging Design

Author:Suny Group

The bill introduced to Canada’s House of Commons proposes strict restrictions to materials from which consumer packaging products can be made. It lists out the recyclable or compostable materials which can be used in the manufacture of consumer packaging. Surprisingly, the list includes only two types of plastic resins-Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) and High-density Polyethylene (HDPE). This essentially means that other resins could not be used in packaging products.

According to bill C-429, introduced by Nathan Cullen, all materials those are not recyclable or compostable would be prohibited from used in consumer product packaging. The bill lists out eight materials that are allowed to be used- paper, glass, corrugated fiberboard, paperboard, aluminum, steel, PET and HDPE. However, the bill permits amendment of the list by adding new packaging material, in consultation with and approval of the Environment Ministry, governments and stakeholders in the recycling industry.

As per estimates, nearly 8 million tonnes of plastic waste enters oceans every year. Nearly 40% of the plastics are produced for packaging. Also, only 11% of the plastics used in Canada are recycled. The waste reduction efforts are badly impacted by excessive use of non-recyclable and non-compostable packaging. In addition, it also leads to escalation of waste management costs to municipalities.